The organization is comprised of freelance editors, writers, indexers, proofreaders, researchers, desktop publishers, translators, and others who offer a broad range of skills and specialties, as stated on the website. Here I can also find folks to collaborate with in designing book covers.

ACES: The Society for Editing is the nation’s leading organization of editing professionals, educators, and students. We are dedicated to improving the quality of the written word and the working lives of editors. (from the mission statement)

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) is the preferred style for books, e-books, most publications and web writing.

The Associated Press Stylebook was created by and for American journalists. It is basically the bible when it comes to editing for news releases and distribution.

I earned my accreditation in Public Relations while serving on the board of the Florida Public Relations Association (the longest continually running P.R. association in the U.S.) in 1994.

After 25 years as an active member, I recently allowed the membership to expire (as I’m mostly retired from the business now). However, I continue to follow the PRSA Code of ethics when crafting branding, marketing, and advertising messages and delineating between them all.

I received accreditation in public relations in 1997.

During my career in advertising and marketing, I was honored for copywriting, creative direction and branding.

The Hermes Creative Awards are an international competition administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). Since 2007, I have been honored for copywriting, creative direction, media response, advertorial writing, integrated marketing campaigns and branding.