
As someone who has over 30 years’ experience writing on a variety of topics in advertising, branding and public relations, I have written for many diverse clients. Throughout my writing career, I have worked on many projects where I wrote  “behind the scenes” for publications, works of non-fiction, and other material. Here are a few examples:

Now, this isn’t the same as working as a copywriter at an ad agency, as one can take credit for that (usually).

Basically, Ghostwriting is when I write your material, but you take credit for it. It’s that simple. However, since I am “behind the scenes” and not getting credit for the work, ghostwriting is usually at a premium.  And ethically, it can be a gray area. So, before taking on any ghostwriting, we want to discuss your involvement, whether I’m polishing content or writing outright, and how the material will be eventually used.